Find out why the cost of SiC Schottky Diodes and MOSFETs is due to drop soon by viewing our new presentation.


Producers of silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFETs have long been able to demand a high price premium for their products because, in part, of the high cost of producing them. But that era might be nearing its end.

Want to know what’s changed?

Download our presentation, Rugged 1.2 kV SiC MOSFETs Fabricated in a High-Volume 150mm CMOS Fab. It is packed with the latest information on recent changes in the silicon carbide MOSFET market and the strides that Littelfuse and Monolith Semiconductor have made in bringing more affordable devices to market through their partnership.

This free presentation includes insights on Littelfuse/Monolith MOSFET performance, reliability and ruggedness, as well as the tools our customers will need to evaluate device performance and reliability, including the Dynamic Characterization Platform, 5 kW Evaluation Converter Platform, and the scalable Reliability Evaluation Platform.

Topic areas in the presentation include:

  • Motivation for SiC Devices
  • SiC MOSFET – Market Status
  • High-Volume 150mm Process
  • Performance / Ruggedness Validation
  • Static characteristics
  • Switching characteristics
  • Destructive testing
  • 应用支持

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